Please help us get the word out about the Utah-Idaho LWML district convention to be held in Boise, April 24-26, 2020. We’re asking that you include this logo and the indicated paragraph with each week’s bulletin. Thank you!
Download the bulletin blurbs here
January 5 |
Happy New Year! Mark your new calendar now for the Utah-Idaho LWML District Convention - April 24-26, 2020, in Boise, Idaho, at the Concordia Law School. Save your old eye glasses and donate them at convention. MOST Ministry, Mission Opportunities Short Term, provides recycled eyeglasses to people living in the developing nations around the world. |
January 12 |
Have you had the pleasure of meeting an LWML President? You will have that opportunity at the District Convention, April 24-26 in Boise. Past LWML President, Kay Kreklau, is looking forward to meeting you and visiting our beautiful state of Idaho – a first time for her! Let’s give her a warm welcome as she tells us how our mission dollars have made a positive impact in the lives of many in the Dominican Republic and the Philippines. |
January 19 |
2020 LWML Convention News! While you’re shopping, watch for sales on diapers, hygiene items, paper products and women’s PJs. These items will be gathered at convention in Boise and shared with the Boise Rescue Mission and Women’s and Children’s Alliance. We are blessed to be a blessing to others. |
January 26 |
The Utah-Idaho District Convention Registration Form has been posted on the District’s website at utahidaholwml.org/events/2020convention. Additional information, forms, and publicity can also be found at this site. Watch for these documents to be included in the February U & I Together. |
February 2 |
Register now! Fill Barb’s mailbox to the top! The 2020 Utah-Idaho LWML District Convention Registration Form and Additional Information pages are included in the February issue of the U & I Together. Your hotel reservation instructions are also included in this issue. Did you receive a copy? If not, ask any LWML member for one (or go to utahidaholwml.org/events/2020districtconvention). |
February 9 |
At the 2020 LWML Utah-Idaho District Convention, the attendees will welcome Karla Koehler, LWML Treasurer, to Idaho from Nebraska. She will bring greetings from LWML and will be meeting with the Young Woman Representatives (YWR) attending convention. We will also hear a report from two excited YWRs who attended the National LWML Convention in Mobile, Alabama. |
February 16 |
Attendees to the 2020 LWML Utah-Idaho District Convention in Boise will have an opportunity to assemble health kits for Orphan Grain Train. All the supplies will be furnished. Come join the happy throng who may be singing and dancing around the tables putting these items together to be shipped to areas rebuilding after a natural disaster. What a wonderful opportunity to reach out to those who need our help! |
February 23 |
The attendees at the 2020 Utah-Idaho LWML District Convention in Boise will have an opportunity to hear Dr. Nancy Almogovar’s story. She and her husband learned about the benefits of Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper through Worship Anew, a TV program produced at the Fort Wayne Seminary and supported by one of our District’s mission grants. Also Deja Reed, St. Paul’s group president from Jerome, has a special story to tell about hearing of the grace of God through Lutheran media. You’ll want to hear what they have to share with us! |
March 1 |
Bylaw updates, elections, and other business – yes, these are all necessary parts of any organization that wants to operate with any kind of order. The LWML is no exception; in fact, all these business items are in place so that missions can take a front seat at any gathering. That’s what Lutheran Women in MISSION is all about, reaching those who need our help while leading them to know about Jesus’ love and grace. Voting for new mission grants will take place during the District LWML Convention, and we will also hear about the impact your Mites have made in the past biennium. |
March 8 |
Our 2020 District Convention Bible Study leader will be Terri Bentley, from Garden Valley, Idaho. She has written devotions and retreat programs for LWML and we are privileged to have her lead us in the study of John 4:31-37. She will have everyone digging deeper in His Word than we would have at our first glance at the convention theme, “Lift Up Your Eyes!” |
March 15 |
At the 2020 District Convention you’ll have an opportunity to get up and stretch often as you follow the leader, Leslie Wills, a personal trainer at XrossWay Fitness in Twin Falls. She will give everyone a short break to become revitalized in body and mind with stretching and deep breathing. Mary Smith will be leading us with songs of praise. These activities will help us to be more alert as we conduct district business and listen intently as our mission speakers tell us of their outreach events. |
March 22 |
The 2020 District Convention will begin on Friday evening with a Worship/Communion Service at our Host Congregation, Friendship Celebration. The Boise community is welcome to attend this service – no previous registration required. Enjoy time of fellowship following the service – a time to visit with our speakers and members of the Board of Directors, and time to make new acquaintances and renew old ones. |
March 29 |
Have you made your hotel reservations for the LWML District Convention? This is the last week to reserve your comfortable room at the Hampton Inn & Suites for the special discounted rate. Call 208-331-1903 and mention you are with the LWML. |
April 5 |
Only three weeks until the LWML will meet in Boise for the 37th biennial convention at the Concordia Law School. Early registration for $65 ends on April 10. Have you mailed yours? The Registration Form can be found at www.utahidaholwml.org/events/2020Convention. |
April 12 |
At the 2020 District Convention, attendees will have the opportunity to support three missions through their offerings: 1) U-I District Mission Grants, 2) Orphan Grain Train Shipping Costs, and 3) Women’s and Children’s Alliance in Boise. If you would like to support any of these missions and cannot attend the convention, please give your donation to one of your friends who is planning to attend. Thank you! |
April 19 |
Please pray for the 2020 Utah-Idaho District Convention and those who are leading and attending it. May God grant wisdom and His grace as we together seek to do His will and give Him all the glory! |